Monday, April 30, 2007

Out with the old, in with the new!

The Pruiett's have a new lawn mower! That's right. After 16 years using my trusty old "Sears Craftsman self-propelled mulching mower" that I bought brand new, I finally broke down and bought a new mower. It was a tough decision. After all, my old Sears mower has been with me since my bachelor days. I purchased it in Dyersburg Tennessee when I served at Cheryl's home church as music and youth minister back in 1991. It has brought me (and us) many years of faithful service by making my various yards look neat and trim. There was the year when our yard was too big for me to "push-mow," so I bought a riding mower (which now resides at my father-in-law's house) to take care of the major portion of the yard, while I used my push mower to trim with. Since we have relocated to Panama City in the past three years, I have noticed that my old push mower was lacking alot. The shaft had become bent; the blade was warped; alot of times it didn't want to start; it was heavy and bulky to get out of the rear storage closet anytime I wanted to mow. So this past Saturday, I went down to the local "Home Depot" and found a great deal on a brand new Honda self propelled three speed mower in which I purchased and brought home. I took it out of the box, put oil and gas in it, and have begun a new era in lawn mowing in the Pruiett household. I'll miss old gray (which has been donated to a local charity). However, it hasn't seen it's last blade of grass just yet. I hope the new young mower will provide me with as many years (if not more) than old gray did. Truth is, after mowing with the new mower this past Saturday, my yard has never looked better! I should have made the purchase a year ago!

Hope all is well with you and yours!

We're all fine here.

Keep in touch!