Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas from Texas

Here's wishing all you cowboys and cowgirls a very merry Christmas and joyful and prosperous new year! Take care and keep in touch!

Friday, December 19, 2008

From Panama City To Corpus Christi

Hello friends and family,
It's been quite a while since we've posted here on our blogpage, and we're so sorry that we haven't kept you up to speed on the happenings of our lives recently.
If you haven't already heard, the Lord opened the door recently for us to begin ministry in beautiful Corpus Christi, Texas. We relocated to Corpus Christi on December 13th and are getting settled into our new apartment and city.
This has been a bittersweet transition for us. Leaving friends and church family is never easy, especially when you relocate over 800 miles away. However, through the internet and cell phones, friends and family are just a small distance away. The Lord was good to us in Panama City, and we cherish the ministry times there. Now, He has opened this door and we're excited about what He is doing and will do in the future.
Please keep in touch with us and let us know how you are doing. Our emails are: and
You can also find us on facebook.
We wish you a very blessed and merry Christmas and prosperous new year.